« Under the sign of the development of interreligious dialogue, of mutual understanding between the faithful of the two religions and the promotion of the values of peace and tolerance, » Pope Francis ends his trip to Rome with a new choice of transportation: His Holiness chose to return to the Vatican aboard a Royal Air Maroc plane. Popular and loved by billions of Christians for his efforts, the Pope institute peace and brotherhood in the world. He chooses in all modesty to borrow one of the RAM planes. A sign of confidence and international recognition for the Moroccan company but also, and above all, a sign of confidence and recognition of an open, tolerant and fully committed Morocco in the promotion of peace and human values.
Bearer of the red and green livery in national colors, the Boeing 738-800 of the Moroccan national company was specially chartered to transport the large delegation of about thirty dignitaries, religious and security members, as well as about 75 journalists, including many representatives of the Italian press. After a final ceremony at Rabat-Salé airport, the Pope’s plane took off in the late afternoon, heading for Ciampino airport in Rome where the landing is scheduled for 21:30. On board the plane, Pope Francis concluded his 28th apostolic trip with a press conference aboard the Royal Air Maroc flight. As he used to do on his return trips, standing between the seats, in front of the curtain separating the business and economic classes, the Pope exchanged casually with the media on this historic visit to Morocco, it’s first in the Maghreb.
The Pope goes back to the Vatican aboard RAM
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